Piedmont Electric's Community Safety Day 2018

Rougemont, NC (August 25, 2018) – More than 475 individuals gathered at the Orange County Speedway for Piedmont Electric’s annual Community Safety Day.
The free event included electrical safety demonstrations, bucket truck rides from Piedmont Electric linemen as well as participation from the Orange County Sherriff’s Office, Caldwell Fire Department, UNC Health Care, Piedmont Community College, the Exchange Club of Hillsborough and ElecTel.
“Concern for community is one of our seven guiding principles that we were founded on 80 years ago and Community Safety Day is just one of the ways we show our commitment to strengthening our local communities,” said Steve Hamlin, President and CEO.
Over the past five years, Piedmont Electric has secured more than $10 million in USDA funding within Orange, Person, Alamance, Caswell and Durham counties for fire trucks, fire stations, ambulances, schools and a library. Partnering with local support services provides Piedmont Electric the unique opportunity to improve safety in our communities and residents’ quality of life.
Piedmont Electric plans to continue this annual Community Safety Day and partnerships with local emergency support services in the years to come.
Piedmont Electric is a local, member-owned, not-for-profit electric cooperative serving more than 32,000 electric accounts in Caswell, Alamance, Durham, Granville, Orange and Person counties. Piedmont Electric exists to serve our members and improve the quality of life in our communities through local employment, economic development, business engagement, youth education, grants to educators, advocacy for energy issues, community involvement and emergency preparedness support. Visit www.pemc.coop for more information.


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