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Cooperative News
Medical Needs During Power Outages
If you have a medical condition or rely on medical equipment that is dependent on electricity, we understand that power…
Powerful Energy & Money-Saving Pairings
When you’re looking for ways to save money on your bill, your first thought might be how to cut back…
Get 50% off the energy you use!
Instead of cooking a Valentine’s Day breakfast, you can make a romantic dinner during off-peak hours for the most savings.…
Safe Space Heater Practices
When temperatures drop, space heaters can be a convenient and cost-efficient way to stay warm and cozy. By lowering your…
Offices to Close Early on Jan. 10
In anticipation of winter weather, our Hillsborough and Roxboro offices, including each drive-thru, will close at 3 p.m. on Friday,…
Give winter weather the cold shoulder with these energy-saving tips
With average winter temperatures in our area ranging from the low teens to the mid-thirties, this time of year is…
Set Yourself up for Success (and Savings!) in the New Year
With the end of the year quickly approaching, it’s the perfect time to think about changes you want to make…
Be Prepared for Winter Weather
North Carolina’s winter weather may be unpredictable, but a well-prepared home can make all the difference during snow and ice…
Support Giving Tuesday by Giving to the Helping Hand Foundation
With Giving Tuesday just around the corner on Dec. 3, many of us are looking for ways to support community…
Get to Know Your Heating System (and Avoid Costly Emergency Strip Heat) This Winter
As temperatures start to drop, it’s helpful to understand how your heating system functions and the impact that the emergency…