As spring approaches, now is the perfect time to get ahead of your energy costs before summer arrives. We offer several money-saving programs to help you manage your energy usage and reduce your monthly bills.
Half-Priced Electricity
Take advantage of lower rates during off-peak hours by enrolling in our time-of-day rate program. You’ll enjoy reduced rates during weekends, most holidays and 19-20 hours weekdays. As we transition into spring, this is an ideal time to establish energy-saving habits before peak summer usage begins. Our members who participated in this program last year saved an average of $20 per month. By planning your energy usage around off-peak hours, you can maximize your savings while maintaining comfort in your home.
Tips for Maximizing TOD Rate
- Wash dishes during off-peak hours by setting a timer on the dishwasher or waiting until off-peak times.
- Run your clothes dryer late in the evening to lower your use during peak hours.
- Install a timer on your water heater.
- A programmable thermostat can help save peak-time energy. Save even more by pre-cooling during the summer and pre-heating in the winter.
- When turning up the heat, only make 1 degree changes at a time. Turning the heat up several degrees at once often will activate emergency or strip heating which uses a lot of electricity.
Smart Thermostat Program
Nest smart thermostat owners can start saving immediately with our smart thermostat program. During high-demand periods, we may adjust your thermostat by a few degrees through your home’s Wi-Fi network, but you always maintain control to modify the temperature as needed. Join now to receive a $50 initial rebate and earn $2.50 monthly credits from June through September. Spring is the perfect time to install a smart thermostat and enroll in this program before summer arrives
Beat the Peak
Stay informed about peak energy periods by signing up for Beat the Peak alerts. You’ll receive notifications via text or email about expected peak times, allowing you to adjust your energy usage accordingly. When our community works together to reduce peak demand, the co-op saves on our power costs. As your local, not-for-profit cooperative, we pass these savings along to you, our members.
Ready to spring into savings? Visit pemc.coop/smart-energy to learn more about these programs or call 800.222.3107 to enroll today. There’s no risk to participate, and you’ll be prepared for seasonal savings all year long.