Co-ops build a better world
Letter from the CEO

Being part of a cooperative means being part of something special. It all began nearly 80 years ago when the hardworking men and women of our communities banded together to bring electricity to our rural homes and businesses, giving them access to the same opportunities as our urban neighbors.
More than three-quarters of a century later we still want our communities to prosper. We remain steadfast in our commitment to providing safe, reliable and affordable power, but this community-driven business doesn’t stop at your light switch.
In addition to having a history of putting people first, providing quality service and delivering affordable electricity at a good value, we are also proud of our strong legacy of innovation. Innovation takes many forms at Piedmont Electric, from our energy efficiency and renewable energy efforts to transforming our electric grid to meet member needs.
We also build the sustainable development of our communities through involvement in local organizations, charitable contributions to community efforts and support for local schools.
Through all of these ways and more, Piedmont Electric builds a better, stronger world and provides a brighter tomorrow for our communities.
Board of Directors’ Message

The board and I would like to thank you for supporting Piedmont Electric for another fantastic year.
The primary objective of the board is to give the cooperative the guidance it needs to ensure that Piedmont Electric best serves you, our member. We work very closely with co-op staff to evaluate the results of cooperative initiatives and promote ideas and programs that can deliver the best possible service to our members.
The board meets monthly to review the cooperative’s progress and make strategic decisions. We also work to educate ourselves on the ever-changing energy business, so that we are prepared for whatever issues may arise.
The board of your cooperative is elected by and made up of co-op members. This local control ensures that your best interest is always close to home.
We’re proud of the work Piedmont Electric members and staff have completed together in 2016, and it is with great pleasure that the Piedmont Electric Board of Directors and staff present the 2016 Piedmont Electric Annual Report.