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Cooperative News
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving from Piedmont Electric! Our offices will be closed on Thursday, November 22 and Friday, November 23 for the…
Roxboro Fire Department Receives a $100,000 Zero-Interest Loan for New Air Truck
Roxboro, NC (November 19, 2018) – The City of Roxboro Fire and Rescue Department received a $100,000 zero-interest loan to…
Capital credits, a valuable benefit for members of Piedmont Electric
Thank you for being a member of Piedmont Electric. One of the many benefits of being a member of your…
Gift-giving isn’t just for the holidays
As a valued member of Piedmont Electric, we love giving to you year round, not just during the holiday…
“Smart” gifts for the holidays
This holiday season, give a tech product that will help reduce their energy bills for years to come! Smart thermostat…
Piedmont Electric Awards $49,000 in Bright Ideas Education Grants to Local Educators
Hillsborough, NC – Piedmont Electric awarded $49,616 in Bright Ideas Education grants to 34 teachers to fund engaging classroom learning…
NEAVFD Receives a $360,000 Zero-Interest Loan for New Fire Station
Alamance County, NC (October 17, 2018) – The North Eastern Alamance Volunteer Fire Department (NEAVFD) received a $360,000 zero-interest loan…
Responding to Hurricane Michael
Oct. 15, 5:00 p.m. – All our outages from Hurricane Michael have been restored! Thank you for all your kindness…
Outdoor lighting solutions to help you get more out of your days
With days getting shorter and nights growing longer, outdoor lighting can help you better utilize your outdoor space during the…
Saving energy is as easy as (pumpkin) pie
Try these energy efficiency tips this Thanksgiving to help you save on your energy bill. Are you hosting friends and…