Navigating Our Website

Enhance your member experience

Check out our website’s standout features, designed with you in mind. Explore the resources available and stay tuned for upcoming new member guide emails, which will cover membership, outages, money-saving programs, and community involvement. Want to read ahead? Click here. We’re always here to help—find all the ways to contact us here, including chat during business hours!

My Account

The main section of our website has a lot of information helpful to new members. Below are just a few to get you started.

  • Payment Options: We offer many payment options designed to make managing your account easier and more flexible.
  • Payment Assistance: We understand that managing payments can sometimes be challenging. That’s why we have created a page to provide options including a list of energy assistance programs available in your area.
  • We are always here to work with you and provide options that include payment extensions and understanding your bill.
  • Outdoor Lighting: We offer outdoor lighting options in our rural community to improve safety and visibility for our members.
  • Cooperative News: Stay up-to-date with the latest from our cooperative community! Our Cooperative News section brings you timely updates, tips to save you money and information that is relevant
  • Electric Service Rates: As a not for profit organization, we value transparency. We want to ensure that you have quick and easy access to our service rates whether it’s understanding pricing or looking for different rate options.

Outage Center

We understand power outages can be inconvenient and stressful. Our local team works diligently to prevent outages before they occur but when the unexpected happens, we want to keep you informed and prepared.

  • Report an Outage: With our new meters, we often know the power is out before you are able to reach out and notify us. No matter your preference, we have options for you.
  • Status of Outages: Access our online outage map to find out the status of your outage and real-time information about the outages.
  • Steps to Restoring a Power Outage: Check out the video and five steps to restoring power on this page to learn what’s going on if you find yourself in the dark.
  • Outage Preparation and Safety: Stay informed during power outages and review tips to keep you and your family safe during weather events.

Smart Energy

We know you have a lot going on. We have created programs for you to set and save, rebates you may qualify for and tips to help you save along the way.

We highly recommend looking into our most popular savings program called the time-of-day rate. By shifting energy use to off-peak hours (outside of the demand times of the day) you can save money!

We offer a special rate and rebates for electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid owners. Read more and sign up here.

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