Our annual meeting is just around the corner which means you’ll have a chance to vote in our annual board of directors election.
Let Your Voice Be Heard
In March, you’ll receive an email with instructions on how to cast your vote in this year’s board of directors election. The instructions will also be in the April issue of Carolina Country and are listed below.
We offer online and mail-in voting options so it’s easy for you to have a say in the leadership of the co-op from the comfort of your own home.

Three Ways to Vote
Voting for our board of directors is easy! You can:
- Log in to SmartHub at pemc.smarthub.coop and vote from your SmartHub account.
- Visit directvote.net/pemc on your computer, tablet or phone and use the unique login information located at the center of the April issue of Carolina Country to cast your vote.
- Complete and mail in the prepaid ballot postcard included at the center of the April issue of Carolina Country. Vote early to allow time for postal delivery if you choose the mail in-option.
Your mail-in ballot has all the information you need to vote, including the election passcode and member number needed to vote at directvote.net/pemc.
Members who vote will be entered into a drawing for one of two $100 bill credits. All votes must be received by April 17 at 5 p.m.
Tune In to Our Virtual Annual Meeting
We will be live-streaming our annual meeting on Facebook on Friday, April 19 at 10 a.m. You can watch it live or on your own time after the event either on our Facebook page or website. Thank you in advance for being an active member of our co-op!