Interested in working for Piedmont Electric Cooperative? Visit this page often for the latest job postings and career paths available at your local co-op!
Careers in electric utilities provide workers a job where they can be proud of their work, deliver services that are of real need and provide long-term growth. Employees work in their home towns and counties, providing services for their family, friends and neighbors. We need strong community leaders to work in skilled positions to keep this community strong!
No open positions at this time.
- Accountant
- Administrative Assistant
- Computer Specialist
- Dispatcher
- Engineer
- Environmental Specialists
- Line and Substation Managers
- Lineworkers
- Marketing
- Power Plant Operator
- Purchaser
- Safety Officer
- Telecommunications Technician
- Many other specialties
Check out these other resources for more information on careers in the electric cooperative industry and for job postings at other cooperatives.
North Carolina’s Electric Cooperatives Jobs
Nationwide Electric Cooperative Jobs