Semora Volunteer Fire Department Receives a $300,000 Zero-Interest Loan for New Fire Truck

Semora, NC (September 14, 2017) – The Semora Volunteer Fire Department received a $300,000 zero-interest loan from Piedmont Electric Membership Corporation to help pay for a new fire truck.
The department was in need of a larger engine to replace their aging 1,250 gallon pumper/tanker. This new fire truck, boasting a 3,100 gallon water storage capacity and 1,250 gallon per minute pump, will be the largest pumper/tanker in both Person and Caswell counties.
While effectiveness is key for all fire departments, it is vital to the Semora Volunteer Fire Department due to the size of their huge service territory that spans approximately sixty square miles throughout Person, Caswell and Halifax (Va.) counties. The new fire truck will enhance their ability to suppress fires, protect property and to provide life-saving assistance.
“This new pumper tanker will help us better serve our community by increasing our overall effectiveness and ability to provide manpower, water and equipment during times of emergency,” Deputy Chief Clayton Myers stated.
This new fire truck will also allow the Semora Volunteer Fire Department to maintain their 9S Insurance Service Office (ISO) rating. This ISO rating helps determine insurance rates for homeowners in the area. A lower ISO rating means lower homeowners insurance rates.
The funds for the Semora Volunteer Fire Department’s new truck were loaned by Piedmont Electric as part of the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant (REDLG) program. The program provides zero-interest funds to local electric cooperatives who in turn lend the money to local entities for projects that support rural areas.
“We are always proud when we can support a project that improves our communities,” said Steve Hamlin, Piedmont Electric President and CEO. “Supporting our communities is one of our seven guiding principles that we have followed since we were founded in 1938. Working with fire departments provides us the unique opportunity to help make our communities a safer place to live.”
In the past four years, Piedmont Electric has loaned more than $6.7 million within Person, Caswell, Durham, Alamance and Orange counties for fire trucks, fire stations, ambulances and schools. As the funds are repaid they are re-loaned to assist with future projects in communities served by Piedmont Electric.
Piedmont Electric is a local, member-owned, not-for-profit electric cooperative serving more than 31,000 electric accounts in Alamance, Caswell, Durham, Granville, Orange and Person counties. Piedmont Electric exists to serve our members and improve the quality of life in our communities through local employment, economic development, business engagement, youth education, grants to educators, advocacy for energy issues, community involvement and emergency preparedness support. Visit for more information.
Photo caption: Members of the Semora Volunteer Fire Department, Senator Mike Woodard, Person County Commissioner Ray Jeffries, Caswell County Commissioner Jeremiah Jeffries, Fire Marshall Vernon Massengill and representatives from Piedmont Electric and Atlantic Emergency Solutions gather to celebrate the closing of $300,000 in zero-interest loans to the Semora Volunteer Fire Department.
Photo caption: Members of the Semora Volunteer Fire Department, Senator Mike Woodard, Person County Commissioner Ray Jeffries, Caswell County Commissioner Jeremiah Jeffries, Fire Marshall Vernon Massengill and representatives from Piedmont Electric and Atlantic Emergency Solutions gather to celebrate the closing of $300,000 in zero-interest loans to the Semora Volunteer Fire Department.
Attendees from left to right: Becky Rawls (Atlantic Emergency Solutions), Carl Walker (Atlantic Emergency Solutions), Susan Cashion (Chief Compliance and Administration Officer), Paul Bailey (PEMC Board Member), Steve Long (PEMC Board Member), Ray Jeffries (Person County Commissioner), Cy Vernon (PEMC Board Member), Randy Kinley (PEMC Board Member), Steve Hamlin (PEMC President & CEO), SVFD Chief Bob Dodson, Asst. Chief Landell Cunningham, Deputy Chief Clayton Myers, Earl Jeffreys (Retired SFVD Asst. Chief), Harold Henderson (SVFD Board Member), Hester Vernon (SVFD Board Chairman), Lt. Tyson Henderson, Kylie Myers (First Responder), Senator Mike Woodard, Fire Marshall Vernon Massengill, Jeremiah Jeffries (Caswell County Commissioner)

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