Here are a few simple steps you can take to help you be ready the next time a summer storm rolls through our area.
Create an emergency kit.
Create an easy-to-access emergency kit with nonperishable foods, bottled water, first aid supplies, flashlights and batteries. This can help you stay comfortable during a long-term outage.

Update your information in your SmartHub account.
We share important information with our members during weather extremes. If we don’t have your correct phone number or email address on file, we won’t be able to share this information with you. Log in to your SmartHub account to verify that the correct contact info is on file to ensure you don’t miss out on these critical communications.
Sign up for text outage notifications.
When you sign up for our text outage alert program, you can report outages directly from your phone. You’ll also receive restoration updates as they become available. Sign up by texting “pemc” to 800.222.3107.

Charge your cell phone.
Make sure your cell phone is charged so you can report outages, check updates and find other important information while the power is out.
Follow us on social media.
We also share real-time outage updates on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Follow @PiedmontEMC to see all the latest news.

Visit the outage center on our website.
Before summer storms hit, bookmark so you can easily access this one-stopshop during inclement weather. On this page, you can report outages, see the latest outage updates and more.
Know how to report an outage.
With our new meters, we often know the power is out before you do! However, you can also report an outage through SmartHub, by texting “#out” to 800.222.3107 or by calling our automated outage line at 800.222.3107.