Strong today, stronger tomorrow

steve hamlin president and ceoAs a member of an electric cooperative, you’re not just one person in a sea of customers. Instead, you’re part of the Piedmont Electric community.
This means, as members, we can work together to make a difference for all of us. For example, we all have the power to help keep rates low for our entire co-op.
Part of our power supply cost is determined by the energy we collectively use during peak times, which are the hottest afternoons in the summer and the coldest mornings in the winter.
This means that if we each make small efforts to change our energy habits during these narrow windows, we’ll help keep rates low together.
Through a variety of programs and free online tools, Piedmont Electric makes it easier than ever for you to monitor your energy habits and make adjustments as needed. Try signing up for one of our time-of-day rates or smart thermostat savings program to lower your bill each month with very little changes on your behalf.
Not only will you save money, but you will help your fellow co-op members save too. When we make these impactful changes together, we continue building on a strong foundation for our future as a community.
When we all do our part, the whole cooperative wins.

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