Set Yourself up for Success (and Savings!) in the New Year

With the end of the year quickly approaching, it’s the perfect time to think about changes you want to make in 2024. If creating a more energy-efficient home is one of your resolutions in the new year, your co-op is here to help you reach your goals. Here are a few steps you can take to improve your home’s efficiency next year and beyond.

Use Our DIY Energy Advisor Tool

The first step to creating a more energy-efficient home is understanding which areas need improvement. Try using our DIY energy advisor tool to get a personalized report about what uses the most energy in your home.

All you have to do is visit and input data about your house. The tool will analyze your home’s insulation, HVAC system and size to give you a detailed breakdown of your annual electric costs by month. It will also give you personalized tips about how to save energy and money around your home.

home energy audit

Schedule a Free Home Energy Analysis

Want even more personalized suggestions for energy savings? Schedule a free home energy analysis from one of our experienced energy specialists. They will come out to your home and identify areas for energy-efficient improvements.

This complimentary service is available to all Piedmont Electric Cooperative members and it’s one of the best ways to help you determine which updates will make the biggest impact on your bill. To schedule your home energy analysis, please visit or call 800.222.3107.

Join Our Energy and Money-Saving Programs

Once you learn how to make improvements around your home, you can save even more money throughout the year by signing up for our energy-saving programs. Our time-of-day rates, smart thermostat savings program, load management and Beat the Peak programs make it easy to practice smart energy habits so you can save more money on your bill. Visit our website to learn how to sign up.

Looking for more ways to save? Check out these extra tips to help lower your bill going into 2024!

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