Piedmont Electric is committed to the well-being of our members. As a co-op, we are committed to seven principles that guide us as we provide the highest-quality service.

Seven Cooperative Principles
- Voluntary and Open Membership
You have choices about where you choose to live. We’re proud that you chose one of our communities. - Democratic Member Control
Our board of directors is made up of and elected by our members. Each member has a voice in running the co-op. - Members’ Economic Participation
Co-ops are not-for-profit utilities, so when we collect more money than it costs us to provide power in a year, we return that money to members as capital credits. - Autonomy and Independence
Piedmont Electric is owned and run by our members, which allows us the freedom to provide the types and level of service our members desire. - Education Training and Information
We empower our members by providing information and expertise, so they can make informed decisions about their energy use. - Cooperation Among Cooperatives
Piedmont Electric is a member of the Touchstone Energy network of co-ops, which provides ideas and assistance when called upon. - Concern for Community
We work to ensure that our communities continue to be a good place to live, work and raise a family.
- Voluntary and Open Membership