History of the Cooperative


Our mission since 1938 has been to improve the lives of the members we serve by providing power at a good value. Our rich history not only testifies to the resiliency and strength of the cooperative business structure, but also to the tremendous fortitude of the community leaders and members who have sustained it.

1935: President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs an executive order creating the Rural Electrification Administration (REA), which offers low-interest loans to assist locally formed electric cooperatives with power line construction.

1938: Piedmont Electric receives official papers of incorporation from the state of North Carolina.

1939: Piedmont Electric’s first substation in Hillsborough powers the lines to electrify the homes of its members for the first time.

1943: Piedmont Electric adds territory in Durham and Granville counties.

1954: Hurricane Hazel takes out 90 percent of Piedmont Electric’s service in the worst damage the cooperative has ever suffered.

1986: Piedmont Electric opens its new office headquarters on Highway 86 in Hillsborough to house all central operations.

2003: Piedmont Electric offers “green power” as an option to members who want to help the environment by buying blocks of power generated with renewable resources.

2006: Piedmont Electric installs first smart meter.

2013: Piedmont Electric celebrates 75 years of service.

2016: Piedmont Electric enables all members to invest in solar energy through two community solar projects.

Our promise for the future is to continue providing the high quality and affordable electric service that our members have come to trust over the past 78 years.

historical employees

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