Inside each monthly issue of Carolina Country magazine and through a monthly e-blast, Piedmont Electric Cooperative shares its very own monthly newsletter The Connection keeping you informed and connected with the latest news and updates from our cooperative. If you aren’t receiving our monthly Connection newsletter eblast you can subscribe online via SmartHub under the On Demand > Cooperative News notifications or call 800.222.3107.
Cooperative News
Piedmont Electric announces carbon reduction goals
Being a local cooperative, Piedmont Electric is concerned about more than just delivering affordable, reliable power. One of our core…
You are our top priority
This month we’re continuing our discussions on the COVID-19 pandemic and how it is impacting our members. Please keep in…
Preparing for Hurricane Isaias
8/4/20 – 8:20 a.m. Thank you for staying safe through this storm! 8/3/20 – 8:00 a.m. Piedmont Electric has been…
Right-of-way trimming reduces outages and blinks
On the first page of our newsletter, we list the roads in our service area that will be receiving right-of-way…
What are you paying to heat your water?
Do you know how much of your energy costs are due to your water heater? According to, on average,…
Beat the heat with these cool energy-saving tips
With the extra time at home this year, you’ve probably never been more aware of how much energy you use…
Saving money is no sweat with your co-op
POWERFUL PROGRAMS TO HELP YOU SAVE Save money during these hot summer months by joining our smart thermostat savings program…
Let us do the heavy lifting
Our load management programs do all the work for you. All you have to do is sign up and let…
Piedmont Electric’s statement on social justice
America’s electric cooperatives, including Piedmont Electric, are built by and belong to the diverse communities and members we serve. We…
Game on! Take our 4-week energy-saving challenge
Making just one small change each week can impact your energy bill. Want to lower your energy bill? Take our…