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Cooperative News
A neighbor in need
We are stronger when we work together and we prove it each time a storm rolls through. One of the…
2018 Helping Hand Foundation College Scholarship Winners
Hillsborough, NC—Piedmont Electric’s Helping Hand Foundation awarded $14,000 in scholarships to seven local high school graduates. Each student received a $2,000…
Leasburg Volunteer Fire Department Receives a $70,000 Zero-Interest Loan for Fire Truck
Leasburg Volunteer Fire Department Receives a $70,000 Zero-Interest Loan for Fire Truck Leasburg, NC (July 19, 2018) – The Leasburg…
Community Safety Day
Community Safety Day is Saturday, August 25, where we will have educational events and fun for the whole family! We…
Let’s talk about your A/C
During these hot summer days, we all know the relief of opening the front door and being greeted with a…
Piedmont Electric’s Energy Advisor
We’re constantly striving to provide our members with valuable tools to help them improve their energy efficiency. Have you tried…
Bringing value to you
As a utility, we work every day to bring you affordable, reliable power, but as your local electric cooperative, we…
Happy Independence Day!
Our offices will be closed on Friday, July 3 in honor of Independence Day and employees will be on call.
Working together to Beat the Peak and keep costs low
Have you heard the saying “many hands make for light work”? That’s the same idea that helped create Piedmont Electric…
Bright Ideas grants make our communities shine
If you’ve ever wondered exactly how Piedmont Electric helps our community through the Bright Ideas educator grants, we have a…