What is the Annual Meeting?
Our Annual Meeting is a key opportunity for members to stay informed about the cooperative’s progress over the past year, including a detailed update on how their money was spent. During the meeting, we also announce the results of the board election, introducing the members chosen to serve a three-year term.
Held every April, our virtual Annual Meeting is streamed live on Facebook, allowing members to tune in and stay engaged from anywhere.
2025 Annual Meeting Details
Join us on Wednesday, April 16, at 5 p.m. for the livestream of our annual meeting for our members. During the meeting we will discuss major accomplishments from 2024, plans for this coming year and answer your questions.
If you have a question that you’d like addressed during the annual meeting, please send an email to info@pemc.coop with “Annual Meeting” in the subject line. Questions that contain account-specific inquiries will not be answered during this public forum.
You can also view previous meeting minutes, reports, presentations and election results using the links provided on this page.
Membership Matters
Cooperatives are not-for-profit, democratic organizations controlled by their members. The members actively participate in setting policies and making decisions through election of member representatives who sit on the Piedmont Electric board of directors. The board represents the membership by directing and working closely with the staff of the cooperative to guide the business decisions of the co-op.
Another key way for you to participate with your cooperative is to vote in our board of directors election. On March 24, details on how to vote were emailed to all members with an email address in their SmartHub account. A printed copy is also included in the center of this newsletter. All online and mail-in votes must be received by April 14 at 5 p.m. ET.
Have questions or comments?
For any questions or comments please email info@pemc.coop or call 800.222.3107.