Meeting Details Coming Soon
Details on how to watch our upcoming annual meeting will be available in the coming weeks.
You can also view previous meeting minutes, reports, presentations and election results using the links provided on this page.
Membership Matters
Cooperatives are not-for-profit, democratic organizations controlled by their members. The members actively participate in setting policies and making decisions through election of member representatives who sit on the Piedmont Electric Board of Directors. The board represents the membership by directing and working closely with the staff of the cooperative to guide the business decisions of the co-op.
What is the Annual Meeting?
Every year we hold our Annual Meeting on the third Friday of April. Our Annual Meeting is virtual and can be watched live on Facebook. The meeting gives members an opportunity to learn about the cooperative’s business from the previous year, complete with an update on how their money was spent. This meeting also announces the board members who were elected by members to serve a three-year term on the board.
Have questions or comments?
For any questions or comments please email or call 800.222.3107.