Cooperative News

Cooperative News

Preparing for Hurricane Matthew

Piedmont Electric will continue to monitor Hurricane Matthew’s track and remain prepared to respond at a moment’s notice. We encourage…

October is National Co-op Month!

Cooperative members across the nation celebrate what makes cooperatives unique! Did you know that Piedmont Electric is a not-for-profit cooperative?…
Large number seven overlaying an image of a lineman working outside. Overlaid with text "The Seven Cooperative Principles".

7 Cooperative Principles

Piedmont Electric is committed to the well-being of our members. As a co-op, we are committed to seven principles that…

Your Co-op. Your Voice.

Piedmont Electric Groundman AE discusses energy efficiency with a member at our annual meeting. Did you know that Piedmont Electric…

What’s a Capital Credit?

Did you know that Piedmont Electric is a not-for-profit electric utility? That means we only collect enough revenue to cover…

History of the Cooperative

Our mission since 1938 has been to improve the lives of the members we serve by providing power at a…
Inside each monthly issue of Carolina Country magazine and through a monthly e-blast, Piedmont Electric Cooperative shares its very own monthly newsletter The Connection keeping you informed and connected with the latest news and updates from our cooperative.
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