Inside each monthly issue of Carolina Country magazine and through a monthly e-blast, Piedmont Electric Cooperative shares its very own monthly newsletter The Connection keeping you informed and connected with the latest news and updates from our cooperative. If you aren’t receiving our monthly Connection newsletter eblast you can subscribe online via SmartHub under the On Demand > Cooperative News notifications or call 800.222.3107.
Cooperative News
Emergency and Non-Emergency Contact Lists
It’s important to have emergency and non-emergency contact information on hand should an incident occur. Here’s a comprehensive list of…
2016 Earth Day Art Contest Winners
Every year Piedmont Electric hosts an Earth Day Art contest with local K-5 schools in our electric service area. This…
NC co-ops lead nation in REDLG economic development funding
Piedmont Electric is a cooperative business, which means we do more than deliver electricity. We deliver on a promise to…
Include Home Energy Savings in Summer Vacation Plans
Many people have a misconception that when they leave their home to go on a vacation, their energy bill will…
Manage your Energy Bill with a Programmable Thermostat
Check out these tips to take control of your electric bill with a programmable thermostat: In the summer months,…
Keeping our Linemen Safe
Meet some of our linemen (left to right) Jonathan, Donald and Dale, who make safety their top priority. While linemen…
National Electrical Safety Month
Every May, electric cooperatives across the country celebrate Electrical Safety Month. Raising awareness about the importance of electrical safety is…
Piedmont Electric’s Live Outage Map Viewer
Click here to view live reporting on outages in our service area. To report an outage, please call 800.222.3107. Voice instructions will…
PEMC’s Live Outage Map Viewer
Click here to view live reporting on outages in our service area. To Report an Outage, please call 800.449.2667. Voice instructions will…