Inside each monthly issue of Carolina Country magazine and through a monthly e-blast, Piedmont Electric Cooperative shares its very own monthly newsletter The Connection keeping you informed and connected with the latest news and updates from our cooperative. If you aren’t receiving our monthly Connection newsletter eblast you can subscribe online via SmartHub under the On Demand > Cooperative News notifications or call 800.222.3107.
Cooperative News
Four Important Factors That Impact Your Energy Bill
There are hundreds of factors that go into what makes up your power bill. This month, we wanted to explain…
Celebrating 85 Years of Empowering the Community
This year marks a significant milestone for our beloved electric cooperative as we celebrate our 85th anniversary. Since our inception…
Proactive Ways to Keep Your Energy Bills Lower
Making meaningful changes to how you use energy is one of the best ways you can control how much you…
Official Notice: Serving on the Piedmont Electric Board of Directors
Piedmont Electric Cooperative is your local electric co-op and we are guided by a board of directors made up of…
Cost-of-Service Study Update and Official Notice
Back in the March issue of our newsletter we discussed that our co-op would be conducting a cost-of-service study because…
Your Co-op Is Making It Easier Than EVer to Go Green and Save Green
For many people who are interested in making the switch to an electric vehicle, one thing holding them back is…
Community Connection
Discover the power of community connection with Piedmont Electric at upcoming festivals in our area. Join us for a vibrant…
Official Notice: Capital Credits August 2023
What are capital credits and how are they calculated? Because we’re a not-for-profit cooperative, we give profits (known as margins)…
Bright Ideas, Big Impacts
One of our cooperative principles is concern for the community, which means that we make an extraordinary effort to ensure…
Take Advantage of Tax Credits for Energy-Efficiency Improvements
Making energy-efficiency improvements around your home is one of the best ways to reduce your monthly electricity bill. If you’re…