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Cooperative News
Official Notice: Nominating Committee Meets December 2, 2023
Three seats on the Piedmont Electric board of directors are up for election in 2024. These seats are currently held…
Treat Yourself to the Gift of Smart Lighting
If you have a list of holiday gifts for your loved ones, how about treating yourself by adding smart lighting…
Gifts That Keep on Giving
With the holiday season just around the corner, your co-op has your back. We’ve put together some great ideas for…
Piedmont Electric awards more than $50,000 to local teachers through Bright Ideas Education Grant Program
Piedmont Electric Cooperative has awarded $50,309 in Bright Ideas education grants to 34 local teachers to fund engaging projects for…
Bill Protecting Critical Infrastructure Signed into Law
Governor Roy Cooper signed Senate Bill 58, Protect Critical Infrastructure, into law earlier this year. The bill imposes harsher penalties…
The Value of Electricity Continues to Shine
The cost of everyday items has gone up dramatically over the years. Electricity being the exception. While the prices of…
Four Important Factors That Impact Your Energy Bill
There are hundreds of factors that go into what makes up your power bill. This month, we wanted to explain…
Celebrating 85 Years of Empowering the Community
This year marks a significant milestone for our beloved electric cooperative as we celebrate our 85th anniversary. Since our inception…
Proactive Ways to Keep Your Energy Bills Lower
Making meaningful changes to how you use energy is one of the best ways you can control how much you…
Official Notice: Serving on the Piedmont Electric Board of Directors
Piedmont Electric Cooperative is your local electric co-op and we are guided by a board of directors made up of…