Inside each monthly issue of Carolina Country magazine and through a monthly e-blast, Piedmont Electric Cooperative shares its very own monthly newsletter The Connection keeping you informed and connected with the latest news and updates from our cooperative. If you aren’t receiving our monthly Connection newsletter eblast you can subscribe online via SmartHub under the On Demand > Cooperative News notifications or call 800.222.3107.
Cooperative News
What does it mean to be a co-op lineworker?
On April 11, we celebrate the brave lineworkers of Piedmont Electric and other electric co-ops across the country with National…
How to treat every day like Earth Day
As we prepare to celebrate Earth Day on April 22, we’re reminded that our commitment to our planet is not…
Caldwell Fire Department Receives a $400,000 Zero-Interest Loan for Fire Truck
Rougemont, NC (March 1, 2022) – Caldwell Fire Department received a $400,000 zero-interest loan to help pay for their new…
How Energy Efficient is Your Home?
There’s more to your bill than just how you use energy in your daily routine. If you’ve been practicing good…
Understanding What Affects Your Electric Bill
Have you ever looked at your electric bill and thought, “I haven’t done anything differently, so why is my bill…
Bundle and save
When you combine our programs and rebates, you can maximize your savings. Our goal is to help our members save…
Making changes to your home’s electrical?
Talking with your cooperative first could save you time and money. When you’re planning an exciting new home renovation…
Winter Weather Updates – January 2022
Quick resources Outage reporting: SmartHub or call 800.222.3107. If there is a busy tone, please call back in a few minutes or…
SmartHub: The most versatile tool in your energy-saving toolbox
We do our best to make sure you’re equipped with programs and knowledge about how to use energy efficiently and…
Winter Storm Izzy
Quick resources Outage reporting: SmartHub or call 800.222.3107. If there is a busy tone, please call back in a few minutes or…