Inside each monthly issue of Carolina Country magazine and through a monthly e-blast, Piedmont Electric Cooperative shares its very own monthly newsletter The Connection keeping you informed and connected with the latest news and updates from our cooperative. If you aren’t receiving our monthly Connection newsletter eblast you can subscribe online via SmartHub under the On Demand > Cooperative News notifications or call 800.222.3107.
Cooperative News
Here for you, now and always
Now that we are several months into the COVID-19 pandemic we wanted to take a minute to discuss where we’ve…
Seven Local High School Students Awarded $2,000 Scholarships from Piedmont Electric
[sp_wpcarousel id=”6005″] Hillsborough, NC (June 4, 2020) – Seven local high school students received $2,000 college scholarships from Piedmont Electric…
COVID-19 prepay recovery resources
Assistance for our prepay members impacted by COVID-19 Piedmont Electric is dedicated to helping our members navigate their energy use…
COVID-19 monthly bill recovery resources
Assistance for our monthly billed members Piedmont Electric is dedicated to helping our members navigate their energy use through this…
Piedmont Electric Spring Planting Guide with Mike Johnson
Piedmont Electric sits down with Mike Johnson, Right of Way Supervisor, to learn about the dos and don’ts of planting…
How to prep for summer storm season
The third week in June is National Lightning Safety Awareness Week, which coincides with the height of summer storm season…
New metering system being tested this summer
Piedmont Electric will be installing and testing new meters this summer for a portion of members. Then, if everything goes…
Try our time-of-day rate for a year, risk free
We know that many of our members are spending more time at home because of the COVID-19 outbreak. While more…
2020 Annual Meeting
Each year, your cooperative takes time to review the last year, look forward to the year to come and announce…
Timberlake Volunteer Fire Department Receives a $376,000 Zero-Interest Loan for Fire Truck
Photo caption: The Timberlake Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department’s new pumper tanker will aid the all-volunteer department in emergency response…