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Cooperative News
Tracking Hurricane Dorian
9/5/2019 at 9:15 a.m. – While the greatest wind impacts from Hurricane Dorian are expected east of I-95, it’s important…
Trip of a Lifetime
For more than fifty years, America’s electric co-ops have made their voices heard by sending outstanding high school students to…
You’re invited to Community Day!
We hope you’ll join us on Saturday, Oct. 12: 1:00 – 4:00 pm Cedar Grove Ruritan Club 6116 Efland-Cedar Grove…
Can you get an A+ in saving energy?
Now that summer is winding down and the kids are heading back to school, we’re giving you an energy efficiency…
Managing rising costs
Steve Hamlin (President & CEO) A message from the CEO With the start of fall just around the corner, thoughts…
Renting? You can still save energy!
Use energy-efficient light bulbs Those old incandescent bulbs may be cheaper at the store than LEDs, but incandescent bulbs have…
These low-cost energy efficiency tips can lead to big savings
Now that summer is in full swing, we’re all looking for ways to lower our energy use. By making a…
Working together, we can all save money
Did you know that your own personal energy use can affect the rate that all of our members pay for…
Why does my power bill rise with the summer heat?
You’re probably used to receiving a higher bill during the hot months. But there are still ways you can save…
Person County Habitat for Humanity Receives a $150,000 Zero-Interest Loan for New Facility
Roxboro, NC (June 28, 2019) – Person County Habitat for Humanity received a $150,000 zero-interest loan to help pay for…