Cooperative News

Cooperative News

CEO Steve Hamlin in front of a Piedmont Electric bucket truck. Text: Looking back on 2017

Looking Back on 2017

Dear Members, Season’s greetings and thank you for another great year! Being part of a cooperative means being part of…

2017 Annual Food & Toy Drive

As part of our commitment to the communities in which we live and serve, Piedmont Electric is sponsoring our annual…

The Value of Electricity

The electricity you receive is a bargain when compared to other goods and services, especially during the holidays. Check out…

Roast chestnuts, not wallets

All the holiday decorating and festivities have officially started, so don’t let your energy-saving efforts fall by the wayside amid…
Image of elementary school kids and their teacher posing around a Bright Ideas poster.

Bright Ideas Grant Awards 2017-2018

Piedmont Electric Awards Grants to Teachers for their ‘Bright Ideas’ Piedmont Electric awarded more than $25,000 in Bright Ideas education…

Thermostat 101 Always avoid activating the emergency heat option on your thermostat if you have an all-electric heat pump as this…
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