Cooperative News

Cooperative News

Kids in classroom with arms raised

Bright Ideas, Big Impacts

One of our cooperative principles is concern for the community, which means that we make an extraordinary effort to ensure…
smart hub

SmartHub has a new look!

Starting May 22, SmartHub will have a new look and feel, but will still contain all the powerful features that…
annual meeting recap

Annual Meeting Recap

We held our annual meeting on Friday, April 21 from our Hillsborough office. During the livestream, we shared our 2022…
Inside each monthly issue of Carolina Country magazine and through a monthly e-blast, Piedmont Electric Cooperative shares its very own monthly newsletter The Connection keeping you informed and connected with the latest news and updates from our cooperative.
You can also view the digital flipbook of our monthly newsletter below.
If you aren’t receiving our monthly Connection newsletter eblast you can subscribe online via SmartHub under the On Demand > Cooperative News notifications or call 800.222.3107.
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