Cooperative News

Inside each monthly issue of Carolina Country magazine and through a monthly e-blast, Piedmont Electric Cooperative shares its very own monthly newsletter The Connection keeping you informed and connected with the latest news and updates from our cooperative. If you aren’t receiving our monthly Connection newsletter eblast you can subscribe online via SmartHub under the On Demand > Cooperative News notifications or call 800.222.3107.

You can also view the digital flipbook of our monthly newsletter below.

Cooperative News

What if paying for electricity was as easy as filling your car's tank with gas?

Save up to 12% with PrePay

Take advantage of your member benefits! Piedmont Electric’s PrePay program works with your schedule by letting you pay as you…
Due to the cold weather, there will be no disconnects on Thursday, Jan. 18. Extended cold weather can lead to higher energy bills. Learn energy saving tips in this article.

Winter Weather Update

The cold weather continues! Due to the cold weather, there will be no disconnects on January 17 or 18. Extended…
"We're all in it together." - Jeff Young

Steps to Restoring Power

Have you ever wondered what happens between the time when your power goes out at night and when it’s restored?…
Our offices are open and there will be no disconnects the rest of this week. We suggest staying off the roads if possible. Stay safe and warm!

Offices Open

Our offices are open and there will be no disconnects the rest of this week. We suggest staying off the…
Save money, stay cozy. Keep warm with a breakdown of the most efficient ways to heat your home this winter.

Save money, stay cozy

Nothing will make you appreciate your heating system like the cold winter months! It’s fun to watch the snow fall…
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